速報APP / 教育 / VerbTeX LaTeX Editor

VerbTeX LaTeX Editor



檔案大小:17.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


VerbTeX LaTeX Editor(圖1)-速報App

VerbTeX is a free LaTeX Editor for your iOS device. It allows you to create and manage LaTeX projects directly on your iOS device and generate a PDF by using Verbosus (Online LaTeX Editor).

This software is provided "as is" without warranties or conditions of any kind, either expressed or implied.


* Dropbox synchronization (automatic, Local Mode)

* Box synchronization (automatic, Local Mode)

* Use PdfTeX or XeTeX to generate a PDF

* 2 Modes: Local (stores .tex documents on your device) and Cloud (synchronizes your projects with Verbosus)

* Syntax highlighting

* Line numbers

* Autosave

* Hotkeys (see below)

* Web-Interface (Cloud Mode)

* File upload incl. subfolders (Local Mode) for .png/.jpg/.sty/.bst/.cls/.clo/.def files (put your resource files in the Documents folder of VerbTeX: iTunes -> Apps -> File Sharing -> Choose VerbTeX -> Add... OR use Dropbox or Box)

* Export the generated PDF to other Apps that support PDF handling

* Export projects from Local Mode (iTunes -> Apps -> File Sharing -> Choose VerbTeX -> Save to... OR use Dropbox or Box)

* Import projects to Local Mode (add your existing .tex files and document.bib file in iTunes -> Apps -> File Sharing -> Choose VerbTeX -> Add… and reload the project list OR use Dropbox or Box)

Additional features in VerbTeX Pro:

* Code completion (commands)

* Unlimited number of projects (Local Mode)

VerbTeX LaTeX Editor(圖2)-速報App

* Unlimited number of documents per project (Local Mode)

* Unlimited number of file uploads per project (Local Mode)

Limitations in free VerbTeX version:

* Max. number of projects (Local Mode): 2

* Max. number of documents per project (Local Mode): 2

* Max. number of file uploads per project (Local Mode): 4

If you experience any performance issues when loading a project or while using the editor please try

* to disable syntax highlighting and line numbers by choosing Preferences -> Syntax Highlighting

* to split up your project into multiple .tex files by using the include{...} command of LaTeX

Use any .ttf/.otf font (Local Mode):

If you want to use a custom font or a font that is not installed you have two options: Copy the .ttf/.otf font to your root Documents path by using iTunes -> Apps -> File Sharing -> Choose VerbTeX -> Add... OR by linking your projects to Dropbox or Box in 'Preferences'. In your project you can use the font like this:





\section{Main Heading}

Это тест


You can write chinese in PdfTeX using the CJKutf8 package as shown in the following example:

VerbTeX LaTeX Editor(圖3)-速報App








You can write chinese in XeTeX using the xeCJK package as shown in the following example:






Hotkeys in editor:

ctrl+s: save

ctrl+g: generate PDF

ctrl+n: new document

ctrl+d: delete document

ctrl+b: switch bib and tex

VerbTeX LaTeX Editor(圖4)-速報App

ctrl+.: next document

VerbTeX LaTeX Editor(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad